A baby pram and a bicycle in one – thanks to Taga brand it is not a dream, but a reality! The brand designers have created a unique bike-pram.
Taga bike is a unique combination of a pram and a bicycle. The pram is in the front of the bike, handles allow you to install a gondola, a buggy or a child seat - depending on the needs and age of the child. In the front part of the bike, like in all prams, there are two wheels, and one wheel in its back, just like in all bikes for adults.
At first glance, the appearance of the bike may bring a smile to your face, still its functionality is breathtaking.
Taga bike allows not only to carry a child for longer distances. When the bike itself is no longer needed, it can be folded up in such a way to make it a pram only. Thanks to it, parents do not have to worry about where to leave their bike, when they want to go shopping, for example. Thanks to it, the bike can miraculously disappear within 20 seconds.
Taga bike is not only a very comfortable solution for all active parents, but also extremely safe. Child in Taga bike is located in front of a parent, so he/she can be watched all the time. Moreover, in comparison to, for example, small bicycle, even children 3 months of age can be carried in Taga. If you have two children, is also not a problem, Tagabike in its offer has also side-bikes, which can be perfect for two children.
In 2009 Taga bike received the prestigious Red Dot award.
