Ecorules on the road
Source: press release
4 August 2022
Constantly rising fuel prices and disturbing indicator of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere have made eco-driving more and more popular. Not surprisingly, we are saving money this way and at the same time we protect the environment by limiting car fumes emission. By following few rules of Ecodriving, you can save even up to 20% of fuel and at the same time achieve rewarding journey times.
Smooth ride
If we want to drive economically, above all, we should have in mind the basic and fundamental skill - smooth ride. Many drivers have a tendency of rapid acceleration and braking, while forgetting that it can significantly affect the cost of mileage - says Zbigniew Weseli, director of the Renault Driving School. Skilful usage of the gas and brake pedals reduces fuel consumption of our car. Dont stop the car when it is not necessary - the starting of a stopped vehicle requires approximately 20% more energy than the rolling one with speed of 5 km/h. But when we move after waiting on the lights, dont overly use engine in low gear. The amount of fuel spent in this way would be sufficient to drive few miles at a constant speed of 50-60 km/h. However, if rapid acceleration is needed, it is worth remembering to push gas up to ¾ of the depth of the pedal.
Observe and predict
Economic driving requires predictions and observations of what is happening on the road. When reaching the junction we notice that the green light for pedestrians is blinking, it is better to sooner let go of the gas pedal brake than do it suddenly at the last minute, or - even worse - to accelerate and push the gas all the way - the Renault Driving School coaches remind. You can also predict the behaviour of other road users and by applying the principle of "limited confidence" avoid nervous braking and acceleration. As a result of such rapid manoeuvres of starting and stopping the mileage can increase even by up to 40%*.
Coolness under control
In the summer, air conditioning sometimes is a salvation for drivers. Unfortunately, it results in high fuel consumption, so it is best to use it moderately. At lower speeds (up to 50 km/h) we should try to – if it is possible – open the windows. We should also remember to adjust the temperature a few degrees lower than the outdoor one. It will do well for both our health and the cash in our wallet.
Use the gears skilfully
Lower gears provide more power, which unfortunately is associated with greater combustion. Contrary to popular belief engine braking by downshifting gradually consumes less fuel than driving on neutral gear, otherwise known as "idling". If we plan to stop or slow down, we should roll in gear without pressing the gas pedal. When we want to go faster, for example after stopping at traffic lights, remember to switch to a higher gear at the latest after reaching the 2500 rpm in gasoline engine or 2000 rpm in a diesel one. The most economical riding is at the highest possible gear at the lowest possible speed.
Caring for the environment
Eco driving - in addition to tangible financial benefits for the driver – it has a positive impact on the environment- it reduces its pollution. Using the basic techniques of eco-driving, the amount of exhaust gases including carbon dioxide (CO2) getting in air, is significantly lesser. Fuel saving is also good for the environment because both petrol and gas are natural resources, the number of which is limited in