Boot Bananas
Text: Mariola Weindich-Mašek, photos: press release
23 August 2020
A stinking smell coming from the boot is killing you? Do not give up! To the rescue are coming Bananas ........ Bananas Boot!
Have you ever smelt an unpleasant odour of your or someone elses shoes? The problem with smelly shoes sometimes seems to be very uncomfortable and sometimes even very embarrassing - especially when, despite washing and using air fresheners, the odour is coming back. It is even the worst when the problem is connected with the shoes that you do love and are often used by you.
If the previous methods of eliminating the unpleasant odour of shoes have not worked, try Boot Bananas. Boot Bananas is a proof that necessity is the mother of invention. This original and funny shoe freshener, consisting of natural salts and minerals, it was created when a young couple, Alex and Phil decided to live together. Happy beginning of living together was quickly disrupted by an unpleasant odour of Phil’s shoes for climbing. When none of the products available on the market have passed the exam - Alex and Phil decided to take matters into their own hands and they created their own shoe freshener - Boot Bananas.
Shape of Boot Bananas, similar to a banana, is a combination of practical solution with a large dose of good humour. The shape of a banana perfectly adapts to all kinds of shoes and it can additionally cause a smile on your face. Boot Bananas are created from natural components. Their composition contains: bamboo charcoal, which can absorb odours perfectly, baking soda, zeolite, and oils: lemon, lavender and tea tree oil.
In order to enjoy effectiveness of Boot Banana, it is worth to take care of it- from time to time dry them in the sun or on a radiator. After a longer period of use, your Boot Bananas can change their colour to brown. However, this will have no effect on its functionality, but still remember - Boot Bananas are not eternal! For best results, to eliminate an unpleasant shoe odour, Boot Bananas should be exchanged every six months.
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