White death

18 February 2019

White death – that is how we often call the two food products used by us every day. Sugar and salt are two of the most popular and the most commonly used products in every kitchen. It is impossible to live without them, but their excess can kill.

Excessive intake of sugar, among others, can favour obesity, tooth decay, weakening of bones, fungal infection, diabetes, heart diseases and hyperactivity. Sugar is almost everywhere - in juices, beverages, cookies, bread, sweets or even in canned foods or semi-finished products in jars. It is a kind of an additional preservative.

What to do in order not to consume its excessive amounts and how can we replace it with something else? Above all, we must be aware that sugar can be anywhere. Therefore, it is important to read the product composition before buying. Because when we choose a dark, seemingly healthier bread, it can have ... caramel. Read the label, choose what you eat consciously!

If you want to replace the sugar in your diet - you can replace it with a much healthier honey. You can also reach for stevia - the sweetest plant in the world. Another good, tasty and healthy idea is coconut sugar. We can also choose xylitol- birch sugar and erythritol - a natural sweetener found in fruits and vegetables.

Glycemic index of erythritol is zero. In contrast to many other sweeteners it also has a very low insulin index. Thanks to these properties, erythritol can be used as a sugar substitute for the diabetics. Remember, however, that moderation is the key to the use of any substance replacing sugar.

Salt, alike sugar, can be found in many ready-made products. The amount of salt used for seasoning and contained in the food product should not exceed 5 g per day (approx. 2/3 of the flat teaspoon). The biggest amount of salt can be found in cured meat, salted herrings, various blends of spice, and ... chips.

What can we do to minimize salt intake? First of all, you should reduce the amount of salt added to food! Use natural herbs and spices. You can also replace it with unrefined rock salt or Himalayan one. It is free of contaminants and it contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and elements.