When you see a drunk behind the wheel - CALL THE POLICE!

Source: press release

13 March 2017

Recklessness, speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol - are the main characteristics of speeder. How many accidents could have be avoided, how many people could have be saved, if someone in a right time had intervened and called the police?

Dont be afraid to respond
When we see a driver who is behaving suspiciously –is cutting in front of other vehicle recklessly, is changing lanes abruptly or going far too quickly, thereby risking the safety of other road users, we cannot remain indifferent - says Zbigniew Weseli, director of the Renault Driving School. In this case, use the mechanisms created in a country for such circumstances. The officers available at emergency calls, active 24 hours a day, are waiting for your call. Just choose the emergency number 112 and describe the situation to the dispatcher and provide as much specific information as you can- location, vehicle registration numbers posing a threat, its colour and make. There are countries where the responsibility for drunk driving is borne not only by the driver himself but also by the passengers who have not responded and stopped the intoxicated person - say trainers from Renault Driving School. Many drivers can be persuaded not to drive dangerously by the fact that every passing driver can call the police and tell about their behaviour on the road. The more likely the driver will be punished, the smaller the number of people willing to risk breaking the rules is - add trainers.

Think about others
Take into account that while calling we care not only about ourselves- as far as we can avoid the danger, other road users may not be so lucky. In 2013, 2 269 people were killed due to the fault of the drivers, 237 of which are victims of drunk drivers*. Perhaps some of accidents could not occur if someone intervened in time.

Keep your emotions in check
While seeing a madman on the road, we should stay calm. Do not get provoked and react aggressively, verbally, with gestures and style of driving. It will not stop a speeder. It can only lead to an escalation of emotions and then our behaviour will create additional danger on the road - advise coaches from Renault Driving School. It is the best to pull over in a safe place and call the police.