
Text and photos: Mariola Weindich-Mašek

2 November 2017

Do you like natural therapies? We love them! We explore the science of ... reflexology.

Reflexology is the study of reflexes. It assumes that on the feet, hands, and face, there are places that correspond to specific organs and internal glands. Suppressing the points and areas improves the functioning of specific organs. Thanks to reflexoteraphy we not only remove the tension from the body, but also stimulate our immune system.

Reflexology assumes that there is a correlation between the condition, appearance of our feet and health. Each pain, imprint, thickening or other changes may be a signal that in our body there is something disturbing. On the feet there are even 7200 nerve endings. Feet are therefore not only part of the lower limb, responsible for movement, but a very sensitive part of our body.

An experienced reflexologist can, on the basis of foot tests, assess the condition of the patient and detect problems that may not yet be felt by her/him. It is important that the person who is responsible for treatment was a professional and had enough experience. Compression of certain point causes that impulses are transmitted along nerve fibres, so that the normal flow of internal energy is restored.

Properly executed treatment can help the patient. However carried out by someone who „does not know the stuff", can just harm easily. In many countries around the world reflexology is gaining recognition and is an excellent complement to conventional medicine. Contraindication to treatment are: thrombosis, skin grafts, open wounds on the feet, fungal infection.

More information on reflexology can be found here