GreenChamp Bike

Text: Mariola Weindich-Mašek, photos: press release

8 January 2022

Children love cycling, the first bicycles for children are usually without pedals, and the children move on them by the force of their leg muscles. Thanks to this, they can extremely quickly learn proper coordination and balance; it gives them a lot of fun. Greenchamp Bikes is a company that goes one step further. They believe that children from an early age should be raised not only proactively but also pro ecologically, that is why their bike is made of a bamboo.

The entire frame of the bike with the seat, except the wheels, of course, is made of the bamboo. In order to ensure the stability and durability of the frame, bamboo fibres have been reinforced with a special honey.

Green Champ Bike is a bike with an added value, in this case the bike is not only an incentive to active upbringing but also an ecological one. Children can learn what materials their toys are made of and where they come from. Cycling can not only be a physical activity but also a cause for interactive environmental games.