Attention child

Source: press release

31 August 2017

From September  pedestrian crossings will be crowded with more children. Many of them will be going to school by their own. Studies show that children 6-10 years of age are four times more at risk of being hit by a vehicle than an adult. In the first weeks after the holidays, drivers must be extremely cautious and remember that a child often misjudges the distance the car is located in, and he/she can suddenly invade the roadway.

The driver should be concentrated and observe not only the road but also road side while driving. She/he must absolutely stop before the pedestrian crossing, if he/she can see person approaching the crossing. Many drivers do not have this kind of habit - says Zbigniew Weseli, director of the Renault Driving School.

Each walk of an adult with a child can be an opportunity to learn something, for example: how to cross the road properly. In the first place, parents should be role models for the child, that is to behave, the way they would like him/her to if they were not present. This rule also applies when the child is a passenger in the car. An aggressive behaviour, driving- fast and inconsistent with the traffic regulations, dismissive attitude to other road users are behaviours that sometimes parents unknowingly pass to the next generation - coaches from Renault Driving Schools warn. Secondly –we should create patterns of behaviours, and consistently preserve them at every opportunity, for example:

- Before crossing the street, stop, look around, first look to the left, then to the right and once again to the left
- If the vehicle is not coming, pass the road decisively, but never run into the road.

An important element of children safety on the road is their visibility. As an addition to the equipment of a child such as fluorescent elements, it is worth to dress them in coats in bright colours, because it is easier for the driver to notice them. Especially in the cloudy weather or after dark - coaches from Renault Driving School inform.